PAGE 31 TP10583
O.) Turn the handwheel of the machine and listen and feel for any rubbing
of the #1 pan’s deflector on the rolls. If there is not any rubbing of the
deflector on the fold rolls proceed to Step 2.
2.) Ensure that #2 pan deflector does not rub the rolls:
A.) Either use the HALF FOLD IN PAN 1 only fold choice to send pan 2
into the deflect position or temporarily disconnect the 9 pin connector
from the pan 2 to the frame and manually move pan 2 to the deflect
position.Then reattach the connector. Make sure Pan 1 is not in deflect
B.) Turn the handwheel of the machine and listen and feel for any rubbing
of the #2 pan’s deflector on the rolls.
C.) If you do not feel or hear any rubbing then proceed to Step 3.
D.) If you do feel or hear any rubbing, then you will need to slightly adjust
the position of the #2 pan deflector.
E.) Turn power off to the machine.
F.) Remove the #2 fold pan from the machine.
G.) On top of the paper stop assembly, there is a deflector pusher that has
a curved surface that pushes a bar with a series of pins connected to
it. This curved piece has 2 slots in it that allows for the position of
the deflector to be adjusted. See Figure #5. This adjustment should
only have to adjusted a few thousandths of an inch from the factory
setting. This is due to tolerance stackups within the machine.
Figure #5