MNL- 0345
Page 102
Section A
Base Edition
3. Shut down the compressor.
4. Open the condensate drain valves, depressurize the unit, then close the drain valves again.
5. Remove the intake filter and replace the dust cap on the inlet port.
Lubrication Oils for Preservation
1. After prolonged storage periods, the oil will age in the compressor crankcase. The oil must be drained
at least every 24 months and replaced with fresh oil.
2. The stated period can only be attained when the crankcase is sealed during the preservation period in
accordance with the preservation requirements.
3. After changing the oil, the compressor must be operated according to the instructions above.
4. Check the lubrication of the compressor during the every-six-month brief operation.
5. The oil pump is functioning properly when oil can be seen flowing through the sight glass of the oil
pressure regulator or if the oil pressure gauge indicates the prescribed pressure.
Reactivating the Compressor Unit
1. Remove the dust cap from the inlet port and install the intake filter.
2. Check the oil level of the compressor. If necessary, change the oil.
3. The motor must be thoroughly dry before applying power.
4. For units with a purification system, change all cartridges.
5. Run the compressor with open outlet valve for approximately 10 minutes. Check for proper operation
of the lubricating system.
6. After 10 minutes, close the shut-off valve and run the system up to final pressure until the final pres-
sure safety valve vents. On compressor units with a compressor control system, raise the pressure
switch setting the switch above normal limits to override the pressure switch. Be sure to reset the
switch after checking.
7. Check the interstage safety valves for leakage.
8. Establish the cause of any faults and remedy.
9. Stop the unit when it is running properly. The compressor is then ready for operation.