Intended Use
Compa bility
All makes and models of PAP devices have diff erent voltage and electrical
current requirements which determine the type of external ba ery that
can be used. The universal design of the Freedom™ ba ery allows it to
power the most common PAP devices; however, some models require a
connec on component that is sold separately from the standard ba ery
kit (see page 1 for addi onal informa on).
Some older model PAP devices and targeted ven la on PAP devices may
not be compa ble with the ba ery or may require more power than the
ba ery can provide.
The use of the heated humidifi ca on and/or heated tubing features of
your PAP device will signifi cantly reduce expected run mes by up to
two thirds in most cases and in some cases could actually prevent the
ba ery from being able to power the device.
For op mal performance
turn off heated humidifi ca on and heated tubing.
Do not a empt to connect your PAP device to the Freedom™ ba ery
before reading the connec on instruc ons for your specifi c device.
If your device is not listed in this manual or if you have any ques ons,
please contact us at 1-877-445-5228 or info@ba erypowersolu
The Freedom™ CPAP Ba ery provides external power to PAP (posi ve
airway pressure) devices when AC power is unavailable during travel or
power outages.
The Freedom™ ba ery may also be used to charge many common
portable electronic devices such as cell phones and tablets.
Use of the ba ery with a device that has higher amperage requirements
than the output of the ba ery (over 8A) may cause the internal circuitry
of the ba ery to shut off to protect from thermal runaway (overhea ng).