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9. Some dry foods such as flour and cereals can contain insect larvae. If they are not
preserved vacuum packed, the larvae could contaminate food during preservation.
To prevent insects from hatching, vacuum package foods.
10. Food can be preserved at low temperatures since only a few microorganisms
thrive without air.
11. If the refrigerator temperature is higher than 4 °C (especially for a long time), this
favours the growth of harmful microorganisms. Therefore it is recommended to
keep the temperature below 4 °C.
12. A freezer temperature of -17 °C or lower is suitable for food preservation. Even
though freezing does not kill microorganisms, it inhibits their growth.
13. Vacuum packing preservation temperature also has an effect on dried fruits: the
duration of preservation increases 3 - 4 times at every 10 °C temperature reduction.