Battery Charging
Note: To prolong the life of the battery and ensure the optimum efficiency of the
machine, the battery must be charged after the use time of the machine exceeds
30min. Please do not let the battery exist in the uncharged state for long. The follow-
ing charging instructions are suitable for the charger attached to this machine. Please
ensure to use the charger of the following specification to avoid battery damage. The
specification of the battery charger:
• Charger type: - charger for aluminic acid battery.
• Output voltage -24 V
• Output current - 25A
• APO circuit
• Suitable for deep cycle battery charging
1. Move the machine to the place with good ventilation for charging.
Warning: fire or explosion hazard. The battery releases hydrogen. Please be away
from spark or open fire. The battery cabin must be kept open when charging.
2. Stop and place the machine on the level ground and turn the key to the close posi-
For Wet Acid Batteries:
Before charging, check the electrolyte level in each battery
For safety:
Please wear protective gloves and eye protectors when treating the bat-
tery and battery wiring when repairing the machine. Avoid contacting the battery liquid
4. When charging, please open the side of the waste water tank to facilitate ventilation.
5. Plug the AC (alternating current) power cord of the charger to the power socket with
sound grounding.
6. Plug the DC (direct current) power cord of the charger to the battery charging socket
behind the waste water tank.
7. The charger will automatically start charging and will automatically swtich off when
it is full.
The machine will not work when being connected to the
charger. Note: during the charging of the charger, please do not pull the DC cord of the
charger out of the socket of the machine to avoid generation of arc strike. If the charg-
ing must be suspended during the charging, please pull out the AC power cord firstly.
Warning: fire or explosion hazard. The battery releases hydrogen. Please be away
from spark or open fire. The battery cabin must be kept open when charging.
8. After the charging is completed, recheck the electrolyte level.