Setup Window
The setup port window is accessed by going to the “File” menu and choosing the “Setup Port” menu option.
Baud Rate
This is the rate at which data is sent and received from the communications port. For newer high speed modems,
this should be set to 19200. For older 1200/2400 modems, this has to be set at the connect speed.
Communication Port
This is the serial port where the modem is connected to. Usually COM1 or COM2, depending on where mouse is
Flow Control
When communicating to modems at speeds greater than 9600 bps, it is recommended that hardware flow control
be used to prevent data loss.
Dialling Method
Tone/Pulse depends on what your telephone exchange supports. Tone dialling is much quicker.
Modem Initialisation String
The modem initialisation string is used to configure the modem, before dialling out. For a normal modem ("AT"
compatible command set) this is usually "ATZ". This will fetch the last saved modem settings. Consult your modem
reference manual for modem settings.
Selects the windows printer device to print to.
Local RS-232 Connection
Checking this box will allow the interconnect to communicate directly with a PC through a NULL modem cable. This
allows quick configuration of the interconnect “on the bench”. Communications will be set to a default of 9600 baud,
8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no flow control.