Remote supervisory software
Program Overview
The purpose of this software is to communicate with a remote interconnect with the ability to examine and/or alter
its operational parameters, as well as download its call history log. See Interconnect Parameters.
Insert Setup disk 1 into floppy drive A:
Go to the Start button on the task bar (Windows 95), and click on the Run.. Command.
Find the file Setup.exe and double click on it.
Follow the on-screen prompts to install the software.
Main Screen
When the user initially starts the program, the main user screen is displayed. The screen is used to allocated clients
to a group file.
At the left of the main screen, is the list of interconnect sites. Select a site from the list to edit or download
operational parameters. The current selected site’s details are displayed in the site information box to the right. Sites
can be added, edited and removed with the add, edit and remove button respectively.
Note that once the modem is connected to a remote interconnect, the site cannot be changed, until the connection
has been terminated.
The lower right list shows a log of program activity. A mirror of this is saved to “win960.log”.
Press the dial button to connect to an interconnect remotely. Note; modem parameters must be configured first.