Asynchronous Induction Motors (IM) Vector Control
The E3 drive factory default parameters are intended for use with IM motors where the power rating of the motor is
approximately the same or slightly less than the indicated power rating of the drive. In this case, it should be possible to
operate the motor without any parameter adjustment at all for initial testing.
For optimum performance, the drive parameters should be adjusted to match the motor ratings. This will also ensure correct
protection of the motor from damage due to overload.
The basic parameters that should be adjusted are:
P-07 : Motor Rated Voltage (V)
P-08 : Motor Rated Current (A)
P-09 : Motor Rated Frequency (Hz)
In addition, it is also possible to set:
P-10 : Motor Rated Speed (RPM)
When this parameter is adjusted, slip compensation is activated. Slip compensation attempts to compensate the motor speed
relative to the load applied, such that when operating at a constant speed with different loads, the motor shaft speed should
remain approximately the same.
To further improve the performance of the motor, the following additional steps can be followed:
Carry out an Autotune.
o This requires Advanced Parameter Access, P-14 = P-37 + 100 (Default : 201).
o After the correct nameplate information is entered from the motor, the drive can additionally measure some electrical
characteristics of the motor to further optimise the motor control to suit connected motor.
o This is achieved by setting P-52 = 1.
The autotune will begin IMMEDIATELY following the setting of this parameter!
o The drive output will be enabled, and the motor shaft may move. It is important to ensure this is safe before carrying out
the autotune.
o For IM motors, the autotune takes only a few seconds, and measures only the motor stator resistance. Parameter P-55 will
be updated with the new value.
Adjust the Low Frequency Torque Boost
o IM motors require some additional voltage at low frequency to improve the low speed operation and torque.
o By adjusting P-11, it is possible to optimise the low speed operation.
o If P-11 is increased too far, excessive motor heating or over current trips may result.
Speed regulation and response to load changes may be improved by adjusting P-11 Vector Gain to suit the motor and
connected load.
o Higher values will provide a more dynamic behaviour at the risk of instability.
For other motor types refer to online document.