7. Technical specifications
Distribution of power bricks / displays per power module
The required power bricks per power module 19” and the number of connected displays per power module 19“
is determined via „round robin“.
Thus for a display wall comprising more displays than the max. number of projection modules for the power
module 19” (=6 or 5, respectively, see table above) and thus requiring more than one power module 19”, there
are the following scenarios:
All power modules 19” are connected to the SAME amount of displays
There are n1 power modules 19” connected to m1 displays, and n2 power modules 19” connected to (m2 =
m1+1) displays
Display wall of 16 displays, residual power 110V, power brick 800W, cable length 100m, no redundancy
Required number of power modules 19” for 16 displays (=roundup(16/6 )): 3
Number of displays connected to the power modules 19”: 5 + 5 + 6 (round robin!!)
Number of required power bricks: 3 + 3 + 4
(in case of redundancy, 4 power modules 19” are required, and each of them is connected to 4 displays, the
number of bricks sums up to 4* (3+1))
Barco – Green BCM Solution – R591346 – user's manual – Revision 04– November-2016