5. Data processing
Data processing
Display walls used in control room environments usually receive their data from a video wall controller. Every
display is connected to one graphic channel and displays this data AS IS. In case scaling is required this usually
needs to be done by the graphical controller.
The KVD displays feature built in splitting and scaling functionality.
The display mode (scaling parameter) can be set to actual size, keep aspect ratio, and fit to screen.
Actual Size
show input resolution "As Is" (unscaled) on center of display resolution
Keep aspect ratio
show input resolution scaled to display resolution, but keep aspect ratio: scaling factor
identical for horizontal and vertical pixels
Fit to Screen
auto-scale input resolution to full display resolution: in case the aspect ratio of the
source differs from the aspect ratio of the display, the scaling factors for horizontal pix-
els and vertical pixels are not identical:
The default setting is fit to screen.
Le réglage par défaut est Adapter à l’écran.
In case the aspect ratio of the source is equal the aspect ratio of the display, the settings "Fit to screen" and
"keep aspect ratio" have the same result.
Barco - KVD5521, IVD5521, HVD5521 - R591341 - User Manual - Revision 05 - November 2016