Spectro LFP qb - Operating Manual
2.2 Switching ON and OFF the instrument
The instrument is switched ON in the following sequence:
• Switch on your computer
• Switch on Spectro LFP qb (The switch is situated on the back side of
the platform)
The display on the spectral unit will illuminate and indicate the boot-
ing process.
The power LED on the back side of Spectro LFP qb platform near the
switch will light up.
The instrument performs the following movements:
• the spectral unit moves in its up position
• the xy-table moves to the right side near the measuring head and
moves then to the left side.
• The power LED on the back side of the Spectro LFP qb platform
will light intermittend.
The instrument is now ready for operation and you can now start the
measuring software on your computer.
To switch OFF the instrument, use the switch on the back side of the
platform. The instrument will then go into shut down mode and switch
off after a few seconds.