42950s Default Output Parameters
Several device conditions may be used to send outputs to their default state. Use these properties to define the device’s default output
2951 Enable Default Out Of Sync. When a radio is “out of sync,” it is not communicating with its parent radio. Set this value to 1 to
enable the default condition when the device is not communicating with its parent radio. Set to 0 to disable.
2952 Enable Default Communication Timeout. A “communication timeout" refers to the communication between the host system and
this radio. Set this register to 1 to enable the default condition when the host has not communicated with this radio for the period of time
defined by the Communication Default IO Timeout.
2953 Communication Default I/O Timeout (100 ms/Count). This parameter defines the host timeout period in 100 millisecond incre-
ments. If a host does not communicate within this timeout period, the device outputs are set to the default values.
2954 Enable Default on Power Up. Setting this parameter to 1 sends the device outputs to their default condition when the radio is
powered up. Set to 0 to disable this feature.
43000s Discrete Input Parameters
The Discrete Input Configuration parameters configure certain aspects of the data radio’s discrete inputs. Parameters for Discrete Input 1
start at 43001 through 43004. Parameters for Discrete Input 2 start at 43021 through 43024. Each following input is offset from the previ-
ous one by 20 registers.
4xxxx Registers
Discrete Input Pa-
Discrete IN 1
Discrete IN 2
Discrete IN 3
Discrete IN 4
30x1 PNP/NPN
30x2 Sample High
30x3 Sample Low
30x4 Enable Latch on Change of State
30x7 Enable Discrete Input Time Active Counter
30x8-30x9 Discrete Input Time Active Count
3xx1 PNP or NPN. Set to 1 to define the input as a PNP (sourcing) input. Set to 0 to define the input as an NPN (sinking) input.
3xx2 Sample High. The default value is 0, which disables this feature. The value range is 1 through 255. The Sample High parameter
refers to the number of samples (1 through 255) a discrete input must be detected high (1) before it is considered to be a change of state.
3xx3 Sample Low. The default value of 0 disables this feature. The value range is 1 through 255. The Sample Low parameter refers to
the number of samples (1 through 255) a discrete input must be detected low (0) before it is considered to be a change of state.
3xx4 Enable Latch on Change of State. Writing a 1 to this register causes a data "push" (data transmitted to the master radio) on
Change of State.
3xx7 Enable Discrete Input Time Active Counter. The time active counter counts the time a discrete input is in the active state. Set to
one (1) to enable the time counter; set to zero (0) to disable the counter. By default, this counter is enabled.
3xx8 and 3xx9 Discrete Input Time Active Count. These two registers contain the counter value. Register 3xx8 contains the high
portion of the active counter and 3xx9 contains the low portion of the active counter. The counter stores a time value in 100 ms incre-
ments. This value is reset to zero when the power cycles off.
43300s Analog Input Parameters
The following characteristics are configurable for each of the analog inputs. Analog Input parameters for Input 1 start at 43301 through
43307. Analog Input parameters for Input 2 start at 43321 through 43327. Each following input is offset from the previous one by 20
MultiHop Radio Product Manual
151317 Rev 0
www.bannerengineering.com - tel: 763-544-3164