x4523 Baseline Difference Signal Value [y-axis]. The difference between the ambient magnetic field and the current magnetic field
reading for the y axis.
x4524 Baseline Difference Signal Value [z-axis]. The difference between the ambient magnetic field and the current magnetic field
reading for the z axis.
x4525 Baseline Value [x-axis]. Ambient magnetic field reading for the x axis.
x4526 Baseline Value [y-axis]. Ambient magnetic field reading for the y axis.
x4527 Baseline Value [z-axis]. Ambient magnetic field reading for the z axis.
x4528 Raw Signal Value [x-axis]. The actual magnetic field reading for the x axis.
x4529 Raw Signal Value [y-axis]. The actual magnetic field reading for the y axis.
x4530 Raw Signal Value [z-axis]. The actual magnetic field reading for the z axis.
44800s Ultrasonic Input Parameters
The following characteristics are configurable for the Ultrasonic input devices.
x4810 Max Scale Value. The Maximum Value register stores the maximum allowed analog value. The specific units of measure apply to
the register value. For example, the register may contain 20000, for 20 mA, or for a voltage input the register may contain 8000, for 8
x4811 Min Scale Value. The Minimum Value register stores the minimum allowed analog value. The specific units of measure apply to
the register value. For example, the register may contain 4000, for 4 mA, or for a voltage input the register may contain 2000, for 2 volts.
x4812 Enable Register Full Scale. Set to 1 to enable a linear range from 0 to 65535 for specified input range. For a 4 to 20 mA input, a
value of 0 represents 4 mA and 65535 represents 20 mA. Set this parameter to 0 to store input readings in unit-specific data. For exam-
ple, the register data representing a 15.53 mA reading is 15530. For units of current (0 to 20 mA inputs), values are stored as µA (micro
Amps) and voltage values are stored as mV (millivolts).
x4813 Threshold and x4814 Hysteresis. Threshold and hysteresis work together to establish the ON and OFF points of an analog input.
The threshold defines a trigger point or reporting threshold (ON point) for a sensor input. The hysteresis value establishes how much
below the active threshold (ON point) an analog input is required to be before the input is considered OFF. A typical hysteresis value is
10% to 20% of the unit’s range.
ON point
Input V
OFF point
In the example shown graphically, the input is considered on at 15
mA. To consider the input off at 13 mA, set the hysteresis to 2 mA.
The input will be considered off when the value is 2 mA less than
the threshold.
x4815 Delta. The delta parameter defines the change required between sample points of an analog input before the analog input reports
a new value. To turn off this option, set the Delta value to 0.
x4816 Sample High and x4817 Sample Low. For discrete inputs, the sample high parameter defines the number of consecutive sam-
ples the input signal must be high before a signal is considered active. Sample low defines the number of consecutive samples the input
signal must be low before a signal is considered low. The sample high and sample low parameters are used to create a filter to avoid
unwanted input transitions. The default value is 0, which disables this feature. The value range is 1 through 255.
x4818 Change of State Push Enable. Set to one (1) to enable push registers for this input. When the analog input changes state, the
register value will be pushed to the master radio if this register is configured to be a push register.
x4819 Median Filter Enable. Set to zero (0) to turn off the median filter. Set to one (1) to turn on the median filter.
MultiHop Radio Product Manual
www.bannerengineering.com - tel: 763-544-3164
151317 Rev 0