Mounting SureCross Devices Outdoors
Mounting SureCross Devices Outdoors
Use a Secondary Enclosure. For most outdoor applications, we recommend installing your
SureCross devices inside a secondary enclosure.
For a list of available enclosures, refer to the Accessories list.
Point Away From Direct Sunlight. When you are not using a secondary enclosure, mini-
mize the damaging effects of ultra-violet radiation by mounting the devices to avoid facing
intense direct sunlight.
• Mount under an overhang or other source of shade,
• Install indoors, or
• Face the devices north when installing outside.
For harsh outdoor applications, consider installing your radio inside a secondary enclosure.
For a list of available enclosures, refer to the Accessories list.
Mount Vertically to Avoid Collecting Rain. When possible, mount the devices where rain
or snow will drain away from the device.
• Mount vertically so that precipitation, dust, and dirt do not accumulate on permeable
• Avoid mounting the devices on flat or concave surfaces, especially if the display will be
pointing up.
Moisture and Condensation. If condensation is present in any device, add a small desic-
cant packet to the inside of the radio.
To help vent the radios, Banner also sells a vented plug (model number BWA-HW-031) for
the 1/2" NPT port of the SureCross radios.
Vented plug for the 1/2" NPT port.
Watertight Glands and NPT Ports
Watertight Glands and Plugs
To make glands and plugs watertight, use PTFE tape and follow these steps.
MultiHop Radio Product Manual
151317 Rev 0
www.bannerengineering.com - tel: 763-544-3164