x4501 Set Baseline. Write a 1 to this register to set the baseline. The baseline function of the M-GAGE stores the ambient magnetic field
values of the X, Y, and Z axes as a baseline value. Once this baseline is established, any deviation in the magnetic field represents the
presence of a ferrous object and will be reflected in the M-GAGE register. The more disruption in the magnetic field, the larger the M-
GAGE register value.
x4502 Disable Axes. A bit-wise register (0000). Write a one to disable the selected axis where bit 0 is the x axis, bit 1 is the y axis, and
bit 2 is the z axis.
x4503 Disable Compensation Median Filter. Write a 1 to this register to disable the compensation median filter.
x4504 Disable Sensing Median Filter. Write a 1 to this register to disable the sensing median filter.
x4505 Low Pass Filter. The filters T0 through T6 are parameter settings that define the degree of input digital signal filtering for analog
inputs. T0 is the least amount of filtering. T6 is the highest filter setting and has the least amount of fluctuation between readings. Write
the following values to select a low pass (tau) filter.
Low Pass (Tau) Filter
Register Value
Low Pass (Tau) Filter
Register Value
x4506 Sample High. The sample high counter parameter defines the number of consecutive samples the input signal must be above the
threshold before a signal is considered active. The default value is 0, which disables this feature. The value range is 1 through 255. The
Sample High parameter refers to the number of samples (1 through 255) a discrete input must be detected high (1) before it is consid-
ered to be a change of state.
x4507 Sample Low. The default value of 0 disables this feature. The value range is 1 through 255. The Sample Low parameter refers to
the number of samples (1 through 255) a discrete input must be detected low (0) before it is considered to be a change of state.
x4509 Delta. Rate of change filter.
x4510 Threshold and x4511 Hysteresis. Threshold and hysteresis work together to establish the ON and OFF points of an analog input.
The threshold defines a trigger point or reporting threshold (ON point) for the M-GAGE
input. The hysteresis value establishes how
much below the active threshold (ON point) an analog input is required to be before the input is considered OFF. A typical hysteresis
value is 10% to 20% of the unit’s range.
The M-GAGE’s threshold and hysteresis ranges are 0 to 65,535.
The factory default threshold setting is 150 and default hysteresis is 30 (the sensor detects an OFF condition at threshold minus hystere-
sis, or 150 - 30 = 120). With the default settings, once the magnetic field reading is above 150, an ON or “1” is stored in the lowest
significant bit (LSB) in the Modbus register. When the M-GAGE reading drops below the OFF point (threshold minus hysteresis), the LSB
of the Modbus register is set to “0.”
To determine your threshold, take M-GAGE readings of the test objects at the distance they are likely to be from the sensor. For exam-
ple, if a car reads 150, a bicycle 15, and a truck reads 250, setting the threshold to 200 will detect only trucks of a specific size. Magnetic
field fluctuations vary based on the amount of ferrous metal present and the distance from the sensor.
x4512 Baseline (Drift) Filter Time. Baseline filter time. When the Baseline Filter is on and the magnetic field readings are below the
baseline filter threshold setting, an algorithm is used to slowly match the device’s baseline to the current ambient magnetic field. This
helps to account for the natural fluctuations in the magnetic field.
x4513 Baseline (Drift) Filter Threshold. Baseline filter threshold is used with the baseline filter time to account for the natural fluctua-
tions on the magnetic field.
x4514 Baseline (Drift) Filter Tau. Baseline filter's low pass filter.
x4521 Baseline Difference Signal Value Total. A combination of the x-, y-, and z-axis baseline different signal values.
x4522 Baseline Difference Signal Value [x-axis]. The difference between the ambient magnetic field and the current magnetic field
reading for the x axis.
MultiHop Radio Product Manual
151317 Rev 0
www.bannerengineering.com - tel: 763-544-3164