Technical data • Individual components
Chapter 2
Technical data
Panel PC 2100 swing arm user's manual V1.12
Green - Status
The interface is in state NOT_ACTIVE or:
Switched off
Starting up
Not configured correctly in Automation Studio
Managing node (MN)
The bus is being monitored for POWERLINK frames. If a frame is not received within the configured time window
(timeout), the interface switches immediately to PRE_OPERATIONAL_1 mode (single flash). If POWERLINK
communication is detected before the time expires, however, then the MN will not be started.
Controlled node (CN)
The bus is being monitored for POWERLINK frames. If a corresponding frame is not received within the defined
time frame (timeout), then the module switches immediately to mode BASIC_ETHERNET (flickering). If POW-
ERLINK communication is detected before this time expires, however, the interface switches immediately to
PRE_OPERATIONAL_1 mode (single flash).
Flickering green (approx. 10 Hz)
The interface is in state BASIC_ETHERNET and being operated as an Ethernet TCP/IP interface.
Managing node (MN)
This state can only be exited by resetting the interface.
Controlled node (CN)
If POWERLINK communication is detected while in this state, the interface switches to the PRE_OPERATION-
AL_1 state (single flash).
Single flash (approx. 1 Hz)
The interface is in state PRE_OPERATIONAL_1.
Managing node (MN)
The MN starts "reduced cycle" operation. Cyclic communication is not yet taking place.
Controlled node (CN)
The module can be configured by the MN in this state. The CN waits until it receives an SoC frame and then
switches to state PRE_OPERATIONAL_2 (double flash). An LED lit red in this state indicates failure of the MN.
Double flash (approx. 1 Hz)
The interface is in state PRE_OPERATIONAL_2.
Managing node (MN)
The MN begins cyclic communication (cyclic input data is not yet being evaluated). The CNs are configured in
this state.
Controlled node (CN)
The interface can be configured by the MN in this state. A command then switches the state to READY_TO_OP-
ERATE (triple flash). An LED lit red in this mode indicates failure of the MN.
Triple flash (approx. 1 Hz)
The interface is in state READY_TO_OPERATE.
Managing node (MN)
Cyclic and asynchronous communication is taking place. Any received PDO data is ignored.
Controlled node (CN)
The configuration of the module is completed. Normal cyclic and asynchronous communication is taking place.
The PDO data being sent corresponds to the PDO mapping. Cyclic data is not yet being evaluated, however. An
LED lit red in this mode indicates failure of the MN.
The interface is in state OPERATIONAL. PDO mapping is active and cyclic data is being evaluated.
Blinking (approx. 2.5 Hz)
The interface is in state STOPPED.
Managing node (MN)
This status is not possible for the MN.
Controlled node (CN)
No output data is being produced, and no input data is being received. It is only possible to enter or leave this
mode after the MN has given the appropriate command.
Table 150: Status/Error LED - POWERLINK - Status