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Wireless charging system 210W specification
1.Product summary
Create a high frequency from an AC power source, along with the transmitting power in a non-con-
tact with the charge control circuit, this product is a revolutionary wireless charging system that
has at the same time signal communication function.
System configuration and product configuration
Battery voltage : 24V DC
Available lead batteries : charging current is a thing of 7A or more
Product typecode Description of each part
① Charging unit
・Charge to a battery is performed.
・It monitors the battery voltage, 【voltage monitor signal H,
M, L】 as, and output control device that is connected to this
unit and passive head results.
・I will output to control external devices connected to this
unit and passive head, the information signal on the “float
charging start”, “charging”, “battery error”.
② Power Supply unit RCS240-AC1
・AC power supply is changed into high frequency.
・In response to the input signal【start-up signal】, and sup-
plies the high frequency to active head.
・I will output to an external control device inzone signal vari-
ous signals and the active head is received.
③ Passive Head
・The receiving power from the active head, and supplies
power to the charging unit.
・I can carry in a non-contact to the active head and a variety
of signal that is output from the charging unit.
④ Active Head
・By electromagnetic coupling method, in a non-contact,
make the power transmitted to the passive head.
・Receives various signals from the passive head, and then
transmitted to the power supply unit.
Power Supply unit
Charging unit
Active head
Passive head
lead battery
External control device
External control device
AC power supply
Power supply
Signal communication
Start-up signal
Voltage monitor signal H,M,L
Float charging signal
Charging signal
Error signal
Inzone signal
Voltage monitor signal H,M,L
Float charging signal
Charging signal
Error signal
Temperature control
ferrite clamp