Bandit Industries, Inc.
Safety Booklet xi
Training is essential! It is extremely important for everyone who
operates a wood chipper to be trained. Operating instructions for the
chipper are included in Bandit manuals, decals, and training videos with
each chipper sold. We also highly recommend that you use the NAA
chipper safety video. A copy of the video can be purchased
by contacting NAA at the following address:
Tree Care Industry Association
3 Perimeter Road, Unit 1
Manchester, NH 03103
phone: 603-314-5380
fax: 603-314-5386
Safety training and enforcement of safety operating procedures is an important
process. No device will prevent accidents when equipment is operated in an improper
manner. Operators need a frequent reminder as to the proper, safe operation of
any piece of equipment, especially a chipper that is designed to quickly break down
material much tougher than human flesh.
Please meet with your employees and have them read this Safety Booklet. Ask
them what they think about the dangers we have discussed. Ask them if they have
been guilty of some of the unsafe practices addressed in this bulletin. Lecture,
preach, train, discuss, and enforce safety procedures constantly!!
Maintenance of a chipper also includes maintenance of safety devices. If you
lose or destroy the wooden push paddle, get another one.
Chipper safety has to be a constant and continuing effort by all involved while
operating and maintaining chippers.
Bandit Industries, Inc.
6750 Millbrook Rd.
Remus, MI 49340
phone: (800) 952-0178 in USA
phone: (989) 561-2270 or 561-2272
fax: (989) 561-2273 ~ Sales Dept.
fax: (989) 561-2962 ~ Parts/Service Dept.
Copyright April 2017