www. matrix-vision.com
BVS SC-_1280Z00-70-000
PNP mode
PNP logic is predominantly used in Europe. The output is sourcing, the input is sinking.
To operate the I/O port in PNP mode,
Common Out
must be supplied with +24 V
(19.2…30 V
) and
Common In
with 0 V.
If I/O 0 is configured as input, it can be connected directly with the PNP output of a sen-
sor, a PLC or similar. A 1 signal is being detected if the input is connected with
. A 0 signal is being detected if the input is set to
Common In
or is not connected.
Figure 7 PNP mode, I/O 0 configured as input
If I/O 0 is configured as output, the output is connected with Common Out and the actua-
tor, PLC input or similar is supplied with it if 1 is being output. The output is high-
resistance if 0 is being output.
Figure 8 PNP mode, I/O 0 configured as output
The output current of an I/O may not exceed 100 mA. If the output is being overloaded,
e.g. by a short circuit, it is switched off and periodically checked whether the fault occur-
rence is still present. If the error was removed, the output is again in normal operating
state without a reset.
It is also possible to use input and output functions at the same time. In the following
example, I/O 0 is configured as output and I/O 1 as input.