background image


4.  Install the new shoulder brackets that have (2) threaded 

holes, screw the shoulder pads using the removed screws. 
Install the screws in the same holes in the same pad as they 
were removed. See Figure B repeat for other side.

5.  Install the flanged post and adapter plate assembly plates to 

the shoulder brackets using the four 1/4-20 flat head screws. 
See Figure C.


6.  Unhook all of the springs from the springbar. Lift the carriage 

out of the frame, turn it upside down, and rest it across the 
Reformer frame with the underside facing up.

7.  Remove the four screws on the bracket plates on the bottom 

of the carriage. Keep these screws. See Figure D. Repeat for 
other bracket.

8.  Install the under carriage mounts, make sure the pulleys 

point toward the headrest. Using the removed screws install 
the under carriage brackets as shown in Figure E. Make 
sure to align the center hole in plate with wood hole. Use 
two additional #10 wood screws provided in the kit to finish 
securing the bracket in place. Repeat for other side.

9.  Turn the carriage back over onto its wheels and place it on the 

rails with the headrest toward the riser.

10.  Make sure the springbar is in the position closest to the foot 

end of the reformer (“first gear”). Attach at least one red 
spring to keep the carriage in place.

11.  Install the shoulder rests back onto the carriage by inserting 

the bracket into the cutout in the wood base. Align the hole 
in bracket with hole in the wood and use the knob to secure 
by rotating it clockwise. Repeat on the other shoulder bracket.


12.  Remove the current pulleys that are mounted on your tower 

near the bottom, using the provided biggest 7/32” Allen 
wrench.  See Figure F.  Keep the bolts and outside washers, 
you will reuse these. The washer and block spacer on the 
inside of the tower will not be used.  

Figure E

Figure D

Figure C

Figure B

Figure F

