389D000 Rev B
About the HEPA Filters
The HEPA filter consists of a continuous sheet of glass fibers pleated and mounted in a rigid frame.
It is very delicate and the filter media should never be touched.
• HEPA filters are not intended to filter gasses or vapors. Since this cabinet is partially recirculating,
there will be gaseous buildup to the point of equilibrium if gasses or vapors are used.
• Misuse of chemicals, Bunsen burners, or a heavy dust load will shorten the filter’s life.
The High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter is one of the essential components of a clean air cabinet. It is
the shield, which stands between the product and the environment.
Proven efficiency in all HEPA filters used in Baker cabinets are 99.99% for particles 0.3 microns in diameter.
The 0.3 micron particle is used as the basis for filter definition because theoretical studies have shown that
filtration efficiency should be at a minimum for particles of this diameter, with efficiency increasing for
particles either larger or smaller. Experiments with various viruses and microbial agents have proven the
effectiveness of HEPA filters.