Masoneilan 37002 Series MiniTork II Valve (w/actuator Model 33) Instruction Manual | 17
Copyright 2020 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved.
Reassembly Procedures
This Section addresses the complete reassembly of the unit.
If only partial reassembly is required, such as when changing
valve action, refer only to the appropriate reassembly section.
Lubricants are required during the reassembly.
Ensure that any lubricant used is compatible with
service conditions.
Valve Body Reassembly (Lined
A. Ensure that the inside bore of the body is clean and
free of nicks and deep scratches which could tear the
liner during assembly .
B. Insert lower bushing (3) into the valve body.
C. Lubricate O-rings (27) and insert into the liner (29).
D. Apply lubricant to a lower bushing (3) and install.
E. Insert the liner (27) into the body being sure to line
up the shaft holes in the liner with the shalt holes in
the valve body.
Note: To simplify assembly and proper alignment of
the liner in the body, the following is recommended:
Lubricate the shaft and insert into the liner. With the
valve body laying on a flat surface, place the liner over
the body bore and using the shaft, visually align shaft
and liner with body shaft hole. Using a soft faced mallet,
lightly tap the liner to start it into the valve bore. Remove
the shaft and using a heavy steel plate, no larger than
the O.D. of the liner, place it over the liner, support the
valve on Vblocks and press the liner into the body. THE
F. Assemble upper bushing (3). spacer tube (5) and
packing adapter (6) on the shaft.
Note: The counterbored end of the spacer tube (5) and
the beveled end of the packing adapter (6) must face the
splined end of the shaft.
G. Insert plain end of shaft (4) through the body stuffing
box and partially into the liner (29).
H. Insert the vane (26) into the body, referring to Figure
1 and insuring vane is installed in proper operating
I. Push shaft (4) through vane (26) and into lower
bushing (3).
J. Ensure upper bushing (3), spacer tube (5) and packing
adapter (6) are seated in position.
K. Move vane (26) to the closed position.
Note: On lined valves, the closed position is achieved
when the circumference of the vane makes full contact
L. Install packing (7) insuring skives are staggered
approximately 120° from preceding packing ring.
M. Install packing follower (8) and proceed to valve and
shaft pinning. (Refer to corresponding Section next
Note: The vane is not pinned to the shaft until the body
subassembly is assembled to the bracket.
Valve Body Reassembly (Unlined
A. Install spring (2) into the lower bushing hole of the
B. Apply lubricant to the lower bushing (3) and install.
C. Assemble upper bushing (3), spacer tube (5) and
packing adapter (6) on the shaft.
Note: The counterbored end of the spacer tube (5) and
the beveled end of the packing adapter (6) must face the
splined end of the shaft.
D. Insert the plain end or the shaft (4) through the body
stutting box but not into the body bore.
E. Insert the vane (26) into the body as shown in Figure
11 to ensure it is installed in proper operating
F. Push the shaft (4) through the vane (26) and into the
lower bushing (3).
G. Ensure upper bushing (3), spacer tube (5) and packing
adapter (6) are seated in position.
H. Move the vane (26) to the closed position.
Note: On unlined valves the closed position is achieved
when the vane is centered in the body.
I. Install the packing (7) ensuring skives are staggered
approximately 120° from preceding packing ring.
J. Install the packing follower.
K. Refer to next Section for vane and shaft pinning.
Note: The vane is not pinned to the shaft until the body
subassembly is assembled to the bracket.
Vane and Shaft Pinning
If the valve was disassembled to replace only the shaft (4), the
old vane (26) may be used to drill and ream the shaft pin holes.
However, if a new vane (26) was installed a new shaft (4) is
required. Proceed as follows:
A. Determine the desired orientation of the valve body to
the bracket and ensure that the bonnet studs (25),
(short studs) and packing flange studs (20) (long studs)
will be as shown in Figure 21.
Note: Regardless of body orientation, studs are always
positioned as shown for ease of access.
B. Install bearing (16) in bracket (17).
C. Slide the valve shaft partly into the bracket opening.
D. Ensure packing follower (8) is in place and place
packing flange (22) inside the yoke and onto the shaft.