18 | Baker Hughes
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Before proceeding, determine valve action (air to
open/air to close) and refer to the appropriate Figure
(Figure 12 air to open, Figure 13 air to close) and
study it carefully. Note that to obtain proper align-
ment, the lever must be positioned on the shaft so
that with the vane in the closed position and the slot
in the end of the shaft aligned with the vane, the
distance between the top of the bracket and the top of
the pivot pin must be as shown.
Hold lever (33) inside the yoke and in line with the
shaft and slide the shaft completely into the bracket
through the lever and into the bearing (16).
Note: If the valve is equipped with a handwheel, the lever
consists of two separate arms which are a MATCHED
PAIR and are not interchangeable. The sequence of
assembly is to place one lever over the shaft, then the
lever arm (37) and next the second lever arm onto the
shaft then slide the shaft into the bracket and bearing.
F. Temporarily install pivot pin (12) into the lever and
check measurement shown in Figure 12 or 13 for
valve action desired.
G. Install a capscrew and washer on the slotted end of
the shaft with a washer large enough to bear against
the bracket. These are used to pull the shaft snugly
against the bearing.
H. Clamp the vane in the dead center closed position
and slide shims near the shaft on each side of the
vane to center it precisely in the body bore. The
purpose of this step is to assure that in operation, the
ball bearing will absorb axial thrust from fluid
pressure while keeping the vane centered.
I. Refer to Figure 23 to determine correct size, drill and
reamer for size valve being repaired and drill and
ream the holes in the vane and shaft at the position
shown in Figure 23.
J. Drive in new taper pine (21) firmly and peen the ends.
K. Proceed to next Section for actuator to bracket
assembly which will include final adjustments
Reassembly of Valve Body to Bracket
If the valve body was removed from the bracket and the vane or
shaft did not require pinning, reassemble as follows:
A. Determine the desired orientation of the valve body to
the bracket and ensure that the bonnet studs (25)
(short studs) and packing flange studs (20) (long studs) will
be as shown in Figure 21.
Note: Regardless of body orientation, studs are always
positioned as shown for ease of access.
B. Install bearing (16) in bracket (17).
C. Slide the valve shalt partly into the bracket opening.
D. Ensure packing follower (8) is in place and place packing
flange (22) inside yoke and onto the shaft (4).
If the valve is being assembled in the same orien-
tation and action, ensure that the mark on the lever
and mark on the shaft spline made during disassem-
bly are aligned. If the valve action or orientation is
changed, refer to Figure 12 for air to open or Figure
13 for air to close and study the Figure carefully. Note
that to obtain proper alignment, the lever must be
positioned on the shaft so that with the vane in the
closed position, the distance between the top of the
bracket and the top of the pivot pin is as shown.
Hold the lever (33) inside the yoke and in line with
the shaft and slide the shaft completely into the
bracket through the lever and into the bearing (16).
Note: If the valve is equipped with a handwheel, the lever
consists of two separate arms which are a MATCHED
PAIR and are not interchangeable. The sequence of
assembly is to place one lever over the shaft then the
lever arm (37) and then the second lever arm onto the
shaft then slide the shaft into the bracket and bearing.
F. Temporarily install pivot pin (12) into lever and check
measurement shown in Figure 12 or 13 for valve
action desired.
G. Install washer (24) and body stud nut (23) and tighten
H. Install packing flange stud nut (20) and finger tighten
only at this time.
I. If the valve is equipped with a handwheel, sepa rate
levers and install lever arm pin (36) insuring lever arm
(37) notch is located in correct location. See Figure 12
or 13.
J. Install indicator arm (9) and loosely install clamp
screw (32) and nut (70).
K. Proceed to the actuator to bracket assembly section below.
Actuator Reassembly
For Actuator Model 33 OLD Version (Figures 15 & 17)
A. Replace spring button (98) (A size only) and spring (90)
into lower diaphragm case (91).
B. Replace locknut (93) on rod end bearing and screw
rod end bearing into actuator stem (77).
C. Replace actuator stem (77) into trunion block (78).
D. Replace trunion block plug (79) and secure with
capscrews (81).
Note: With capscrews securing trunion block plug
in place, the actuator stem should move freely in the
trunion block.
E. Refer to Actuator Diaphragm Replacement Section
and complete Steps M through T.
F. Proceed to next Section for actuator to bracket
assembly which will include final adjustments