Masoneilan 72000 Series Control Valves Instruction Manual | 9
Copyright 2021 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved.
Model 722XX and 726XX (Polymeric Seal)
These valves are equipped with an inner elastomeric ring and an
outer PTFE ring.
1. Insert the elastomeric back-up ring (28) into the groove.
2. Place the PTFE seal ring (9) in boiling water for a few minutes.
Slide the seal ring along the plug until it slips into the groove.
3. For optimum insertion of the ring, a Serflex type ring
compressor can be used to compress the ring in the groove
for several minutes.
Model 729XX (Graphite Seal Ring)
These valves are also equipped with an inner and outer ring
arrangement. The inner metal ring has a straight cut and the outer
ring is made of graphite.
1. Replacement graphite seal rings (9) are supplied in a closed
ring form, and a notch must be cut before being assembled to
the plug.
2. Using a sharp blade, make a notch in the graphite ring. Hold
the ring on either side of the notch between the thumb and
index and bend until it breaks.
Using a very fine file, adjust each end of the ring so
that its external circumference corresponds to the internal
circumference of the cage (10) and (if applicable) the cage
retainer (11).
4. To adjust the length of the ring correctly, insert the new
graphite ring into the cage with the ring against the inner wall
of the cage (allowing for minimum play between the two ends
of the ring).
5. First assemble the inner metal ring into the cage groove, then
assemble the graphite ring over the metal ring. Be careful not
to damage the parts.
Note: The breaks on each ring should be placed approxi-
mately 180° apart.
Completing Valve Body Assembly
It is recommended to consult the factory for actual assembly cross
sectional drawing as some design configurations may vary from
the instructions.
Proceeds as follows:
After checking all sealing surfaces to ensure they are
thoroughly clean, assemble the seat ring gasket (26) in the
valve body (1). Make sure the gasket is centered properly in
the body.
2. Assemble the seat ring (13) into the valve body on top of the
seat ring gasket (26).
3. Install upper seat ring gasket (26) if applicable.
Note: For proper sealing it is important to confirm the gasket
is properly engaged in the seat ring gasket groove. If proper
alignment can not be achieved, spread a silicone grease,
such as Dow III, into the gasket groove to retain the gasket
during assembly.
Valve Plug and Cage Assembly
For 724XX (Auxiliary Pilot Plug) proceed to Step 6.
4. For valves using a straight plug design (See Figure 3),
install the cage (10) and (if applicable) the cage retainer
(11) into the valve body by seating it on top of the seat
ring. For valves using a bell shaped design (See Figure 2),
proceed to Step 7.
5. Insert the valve plug, stem assembly (7) including the seal
rings (9) and back-up rings (28) if applicable, into the valve
cage taking particular care not to damage the seal rings (9,
28) upon entry. Proceed to Step 8.
Note: Polymeric seal rings should be lightly greased with a
silicone based lubricant, such as Dow III, prior to installing
the plug into the cage.
Valve Plug and Auxiliary
Pilot Plug Assembly
6. Assemble either the flat spring washers (sizes 3" and 4")
or the coil springs (sizes 6" to 16"), then assemble the valve
plug assembly (8), using the same tools as those used for
disassembly (see section on disassembly). Compress the
springs so that the retaining ring (23) can be installed into the
groove in the main plug.
Note: For auxiliary pilot plugs with threaded spring
retainers, the retaining ring must be seal welded to the
main plug.
For trim configurations designed with a two piece cage
(cage and cage retainer):
7. Assemble the cage (10) into valve by seating it on top of the
seat ring (13).
8. If applicable, install body gasket (25) on to cage (10).
9. Assemble the cage retainer (11) over the valve plug
assembly (8) from the top of the plug stem. Make sure the
seal ring (9) in the plug groove stays positioned correctly.
Insert the cage and plug assembly into the valve body.
10. If applicable, install the conical spring (14) on top of the
cage retainer (11).
For trim configurations designed with a single piece cage:
11. Assemble the cage (10) over the valve plug assembly (8)
from the top of the plug stem. Make sure the seal ring (9)
stays positioned in the plug groove correctly. Insert the cage
and plug assembly into the valve body.
12. If applicable, install the conical spring (14) on top of the
cage (10).
Bonnet Assembly
1. Make sure the packing (19) and guide bushing (20) have
been removed from the bonnet (2).
2. Position the bonnet (2) above the valve body (1), so the
packing flange studs (15) are perpendicular to the inlet of
the valve.
Graphite seal rings are fragile so the following
operations must be carried out very carefully.