3 - 6
Elsag Bailey
Process A utom ation
To use special operations:
1. Set dipswitch UMB1 pole 1 to position 1.
2. Set poles 2 through 8 per Table
. Begin with special
operation 2.
3. Insert the MFP module in its slot in the module mounting
unit (refer to
4. When the special operation is complete, the status LED
turns red and LEDs 1 through 6 illuminate.
5. Remove the MFP module.
6. Repeat Steps
for any other special operation
NOTE: Do special operation 2 as the first step of the module instal-
lation. If installing the MFP module in an INFI-NET environment,
do special operation 4 next. For time stamping, do special opera-
tion 6 next. To reverse INFI-NET protocol or time stamping, do
operation 2 again.
7. When all special operations are complete, reset pole 1 on
dipswitch UMB1 to position 0.
8. Poles 2 through 8 (module options and diagnostics)
should be set for the desired MFP operation per Table
9. Insert the MFP module in its slot. It will enter its normal
operating mode.
Dipswitch LMB2 - Module Options and SCSI Bus Address
Dipswitch LMB2 sets the SCSI bus options, initiator address
and target address. This switch is not used at this time.
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Permit segment modification (allows change to segment scheme
configured with function code 82, specification S1).
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 Enable time stamping. This operation instructs the MFP module to
generate time information with point data. It is applicable only to
INFI-NET systems.
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Set IMMPI01 expected flag. Configures the IMMFP03 to expect the
IMMPI01 to be installed. The IMMFP03 will halt and display error code 1C
(Hex) if the hardware does not match the configuration.
NOTE: 0 = CLOSED or ON, 1 = OPEN or OFF.
Table 3-4. Dipswitch UMB1 Special Operation Settings
Dipswitch Pole
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8