7.6 Functions Settings
Once the Pedelec system is switched ON, to
access the Primary Settings menu, hold both
the UP and dOWN buttons for 2 seconds.
Never change settings while the Pedelec is in
7.6.1 Unit Conversion "km / mile"
U represents unit settings
“1” is for miles, “2” is for kilometers.
The default value is “2”.
To convert the units, press the UP or dOWN
button to increase or decrease until the
desired setting is displayed.
To save a changed setting, hold the MOdE
button for 2 seconds and then exit settings.
Mile and Kilometer Conversion Settings Interface
7.6.2 Backlight Contrast Settings
bL represents backlight contrast settings.
These range from 1 to 8; Level.
“1” is the lowest brightness.
Level “8” is the highest brightness.
The default value is “1”.
To modify the backlight brightness, press the
UP or dOWN button to increase or decrease
until the desired setting is displayed.
To save a changed setting, press the MOdE
button and then access Wheel diameter
Backlight Brightness Settings Interface
7.6.3 Automatic Power-Off settings
oFt represents the Automatic Power-Off
The default value is 5 minutes or as specified
by the owner.
To change the basic settings, press the UP or
dOWN button to increase or decrease until
the desired value is displayed.
These values range from 0 to 60 minutes. 0
means the display won’t switch off automat-
ically, while 60 means the display will switch
off automatically after the Pedelec has been
parked for more than 60 minutes.
To save a changed setting and access the As-
sistance Level Selection interface, press the
MOdE button.
Automatic Power-Off Interface