Parameter setting
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5. Parameter setting
The parameter setting is done with the 3 keys (
The meter has got 3 different levels:
Test mode and normal settings
The test functions, language setting as well as different calibrations (analog output
and empty pipe detection) can be done in this mode.
Parameter setting mode
The parameter setting of the meter can be done in this mode.
Measuring mode
In the measuring mode the current flow as well as totalizers and error messages are
indicated on the display.
5.1 Test mode and normal setting
The test mode can be activated by pressing and holding for a short time the
key when
switching on the meter. In this mode no automatic return to the measuring mode is
occurring and it has to be run through completely. No measuring is taking place as long as
the meter is in this mode.
5.1.1 Language
There are two selectable languages that can be activated.
^ E n g l i s h
> G e r m a n
E C o n t i n u e
By pressing the key
the English language is activated in this case and by pressing
the key
the German language is activated. If the key
is pressed, the already set
language is kept and the next menu point is shown.
5.1.2 Flow
5 different flow rates can be simulated and displayed on the respective outputs with
this function. In addition all 3 relays can be tested on their function. The following flow
rates can be simulated depending on the set full scale:
Signal (flow rate)
Relays test
100 %
Relay 1 (forward)
50 %
Relay 1 (forward) + relay 2
0 %
Relay 1 (forward) + relay 3
-50 %
Relay 1 (backward) + relay 2
-100 %
Relay 1 (backward)