This screen allows the setting of the 4-20 mA output
signal when the meter goes into the lost echo default
condition due to the loss of a return signal from the sensor.
The user should set this value for the output wanted in the
loss of signal condition. The 4-20 mA output can be
monitored on the test jacks on the bottom of the back half
of the housing. Use the RIGHT arrow key to position the
line under the digit to be adjusted. Fine adjustment is made
on the right digit with the adjustment becoming more
coarse with each digit to the left. Use the UP or DOWN
arrow keys to adjust for the correct value. Press the ENTER
key to store the value. The following screen will appear:
This screen allows entry into the distance calibration
screen which enables the calibration of the transmitter if
necessary. This is set at the factory and only needs to be
checked every three months. Do not set the distance
calibration to an arbitrary number. The display shows the
actual distance from the sensor to the surface at that
measurement cycle. Checking will require measuring
from the bottom of the sensor (face) to the water, then
setting the distance calibration to this measurement. Press
the UP arrow key and the following screen will appear:
This screen calibrates the meter for the maximum flow
level. If this adjustment is made, the fluid surface should be
smooth to assure a steady reading. The near distance
calibration should be made during high flow - surface of fluid
at, or close to, the maximum (full scale) level.
Do not
perform this calibration if the distance from the sensor to
the surface is greater than 48 inches.
The display shows the
distance from the surface of the fluid to the sensor.
Checking will require measuring from the bottom of the
sensor (face) to the surface of the fluid and adjusting the
distance calibration to this measurement. Use the UP or
DOWN arrow keys to adjust to the correct value. Allow
time for the meter to settle. Press the RIGHT arrow key.
The following screen will appear:
This screen calibrates the meter for zero flow level. If this
adjustment is made, the fluid surface should be smooth to
assure a steady reading. The far distance calibration should be
made during low flow - surface of fluid at, or close to, the
minimum (zero) level.
Do not perform this calibration if the
distance from the sensor to the surface is less than 72
The display shows the distance from the surface of the
fluid to the sensor.
Checking will require measuring from the bottom of the
sensor (face) to the surface of the fluid and adjusting the
distance calibration to this measurement. Use the UP or
DOWN arrow keys to adjust to the correct value. Allow
time for the meter to settle. Press the ENTER key and the
following screen will appear:
This screen allows the entry of the user's security
identification number. When the meter is shipped from
the factory, the security number is 0000. To prevent
unauthorized entry into the Calibration Mode, the user
should select a number then record this number and store
it in a secure area. In the event the security number is lost,
access can be made through a special procedure. Call
(918) 836-8411 for instructions. Press the UP arrow key
to enter into the Security ID screen. The following screen
will appear:
This screen allows the user to enter a new Security ID
number. Use the RIGHT arrow key to move the line
under the desired digit to change. Use the UP or DOWN
arrow key to change the digit to the desired value. Press
the ENTER key to store the new security number. The
following screen will appear:
This screen indicates that the new parameters are being
stored into the EEPROM of the microprocessor. The
display will then return to the normal operating screen.
The Calibration Mode does not have to be stepped all
the way through to make changes in the calibration. Once
the desired change(s) is (are) made, the MENU key can
be pressed instead of the ENTER key and the
microprocessor will store the new changes and return to
the normal operating screen.
This completes the Calibration Mode Section of the
Model 2100.