© Copyright 2012 Badger Fire Protection
After Use Instructions
Note: Fire extinguishers should always be recharged immediately after any use.
1 After the fire is out and the hazard secured, the wheel extinguisher should be transported to a
location where the residual pressure left within the discharge hose can be blown clear
2 Close agent cylinder valve, by turning hand wheel clockwise
3 Then while securing and pointing the nozzle in a safe direction, squeeze the nozzle discharge
lever to clear hose and vent all remaining pressure
4 Notify proper person that extinguisher was used, so that the extinguisher can be immediately
recharged or a replacement obtained
Monthly Inspection Procedures
According to NFPA 10, inspection is a quick check that an extinguisher is available and will operate It is
intended to give reasonable assurance that the extinguisher is fully charged and operable This is done
by verifying that it is in its designated place, that it has not been actuated or subjected to tampering,
and that there is no obvious physical damage or condition to prevent its operation
Inspections should be conducted whenever extinguishers are initially placed into service and there- af-
ter at approximately 30 day intervals When circumstances require, more frequent intervals may be
necessary Any time an inspection reveals a discrepancy, maintenance and service procedures should be
1 Ensure the extinguisher is properly located in plain view and its access is unobstructed
2 Examine unit for any signs of corrosion, leakage or physical damage
3 Ensure the nameplate is secure and legible and that “operating instructions” face outward
4 Ensure ring pin and visual inspection tamper seal are in place and intact
5 Ensure the carriage/frame clamps, bolts and hardware are in place and secure
6 Tilt extinguisher about its wheeled axis or weigh the unit to determine its fullness (When tilting the
unit, the sound of liquid agent movement within the cylinder may be heard If any other sounds
are observed, refer to the maintenance and troubleshooting recommendations )
Note: Badger recommends all Carbon Dioxide fire extinguishers be weighed at least semi-
annually to verify the proper agent weight per the nameplate instructions. Refer to the
maintenance procedures.
7 Squeeze the nozzle operating lever to ensure there is no pressure trapped within the hose assembly
Visually examine the discharge nozzle, and/or hose assembly to ensure it is clear and unobstructed
8 Ensure both wheels are not damaged and that they rotate freely
9 Date and initial the inspection tag or record in accordance with NFPA 10 & local requirements