Rev: 03/2009
KNX-GSM Gateway
Page 18 of 19
b+b Automations- und Steuerungstechnik GmbH
In the lower part of the main configuration window you can define the SMS receiving parameters of
the Gateway:
The option „Accept incoming SMS only from the eight receiver phone numbers” limits the access to
the gateway for the given phone numbers, no other number will be able to control the EIB by sending
a SMS.
The option „Password security…“ can be used to lock your GSM gateway: only commands with a
proper password will be accepted. Example: „#secret,W0/0/1,L=1“ is sending the password „secret“
along with the write command.
The option „Send current value on receive of R[GA]“ will send a SMS with the current GA value to
the number which had requested the value. For example: phone A is sending „R0/0/1“ to the gate-
way. The gateway will answer to this call by sending the text „GA=value“ (if the value or GA is un-
known, it will send ? instead) to phone A. Please note: only GAs you have used in the up to 100
messages can be requested. Also the “R…“ command will not issue a read telegram on the bus, the
Gateway will simply send back the last known value for this address.
Please note: if the password security is activated, you have to send a “#pw,R…” command (including
the correct password).
Writing an EIB telegram with a SMS Text is easy: simply send “W[GA],[Type]=[Value]“ to the gate-
way. For example, if you are sending „W0/0/1,L=1“ by SMS, the value „1“ will be written to group
address „0/0/1“ (Type L=switch). The following types are possible:
= (Light-)Switch (1 bit)
Values: 0 or 1
= Dimming value (8 bit)
Values: 0-100% (scaled to 0..255)
= Byte value (8 bit)
Values: 0-255
= Integer value (16 bit)
Values: 0-65535
= Floating point 16 bit (EIB float)
Values: vvv,nnn (note: , instead of .)
= Texts (up to 14 characters)
Values: EIB Text
If you don’t want to give complete write control by SMS, you can limit the range of group addresses
the gateway can write to. Simply activate “Allow writing only fort he following GAs“ and enter a list
with up to 100 group addresses in the combo box. “OK” will add a GA, “Delete“ will remove the se-
lected GA from the list. If you don’t want to allow any writing, simply activate this option and leave the
GA list empty.