The PT2 Cooling Tower should be rigged and assembled as outlined in this bulletin. These
procedures should be thoroughly reviewed prior to the actual rigging and assembly of the equipment
to acquaint all personnel with procedures to be followed and to ensure that all necessary equipment
will be available beforehand.
Be sure to have a copy of the certified drawing available for reference. If you do not have a copy of this
drawing, or if you need additional information about this unit, contact your local BAC Representative
whose name and telephone number are on a label on the basin sidewall. The model number and se-
rial number of the unit are also located in this area.
BAC Cooling Towers are factory assembled to ensure uniform quality and minimum field assembly.
All PT2 Cooling Towers ship in two sections as standard. Optionally, PT2 Cooling Towers can ship in
three sections for ease of transport or rigging. For the dimensions and weights of a specific unit or
section, refer to the certified drawings.
Check Unit Before Rigging
When the unit is delivered to the jobsite, it should be checked thoroughly to ensure all required items
have been received and are free of any shipping damage prior to signing the bill of lading. The
following parts should be inspected:
• Sheaves and Belts
• Bearings
• Bearing Supports
• Fan Motor(s)
• Fan(s) and Fan Shaft(s)
• Fan Guard(s)
• Float Valve Assembly(s)
• Water Distribution System
• Fill
• Cold Water Basin Strainer(s)
• Interior Surfaces
• Exterior Surfaces
• Louvers
• Miscellaneous Items:
All bolts, nuts, washers, and sealer tape required to assemble sections or component
parts are furnished by BAC and shipped with the unit. A checklist inside the envelope
attached to the side of the unit marked “Contractor’s Installation Instructions” indicates
what miscellaneous parts are included with the shipment and where they are packed.
Unit Weights
Before rigging any unit, the weight of each section should be verified from the unit certified drawing.
Unit print weights include the final assembled tower with all accessories. If necessary, accessory
weights (found on the respective drawing) can be deducted from the total weight.
WARNING: Before an actual lift is undertaken, ensure that no water, snow, ice, or debris has collected in the basin or
elsewhere in the unit. Such accumulations will add substantially to the equipment’s lifting weight.
PT2 Rigging and
Assembly Instructions