Service Manual
Powering up the drive.
Under normal conditions the green L.E.D. comes on after
approx. 1 second.
Prepare to power up the drive by first insuring that the
reference signal is zero =0V.
ATTENTION: If possible, in the case of piloting motor with a
C.N.C. controller, make sure the manual reference with the
calculated error corrections of the same are not inserted.
(Space ring not inserted).
Power up the Enable input. (It's a good application norm
to always supply the Enable command after the powering up
the drive).
Furnish the reference signal.
Increase the speed reference signal up to minimum value
(approx. 1V) and observe the motors sense of rotation. If the
motor rotates contrary to what you require, shutdown and invert
the +REF and -REF,
Reconnect the motor's shaft to the load and insert the
space ring of eventual controller. If at this point you still have
the same results as those verified before insertion and the
controller doesn't show errors, the system is regulated
Now execute standard working cycles verifying that no
protections intervene.
Start up procedures