Service Manual
4.1 Starting Procedures
Two ways to place the Microspeed Plus into function:
If the drive has already been pre-adjusted for its motor and
has accompanying connection sheet, proceed with chapter on
"Starting procedures".
If the drive hasn't been pre-adjusted for its motor, first consult
the chapter on "Personalization and Settings" and Chapter 5.0
4.0 Preliminary Checks
The standard drive is furnished with the following
Nominal and Peak current of drive corresponds to the drive
size; "RIN and RIP resitors are not mounted".
Ex.: Microspeed Plus 140 10/20A ; 20A peak for 2 seconds, 10A
upon return.
Encoder speed adjustment for 3000 rpm at 10V ref. with
encoder of 1000 Imp/rev. "RDT resistor = 22Kohm".
KV and DER positions are "1".
How to proceed
What to check
Verify that all signal and power connection terminals are
accurately closed/tightened and execute a visual check of the
drive's cabling.
Start up procedures
Remove load from motor shaft and be prepared to quickly
shut off power supply if required. (Warning: keep motor well
fixed to the ground/floor or attached to a mechanical support).
Insert the fuses in series with alternating power or insert
the corresponding thermal magnet, insuring the available
power value by measuring with a tester.