UM AX032200 Version 1.0 6-46
J1939 Network
– Diagnostic Broadcast
Diagnostic messages are triggered by the internal function blocks and then broadcasted on the
CAN bus network. However, in some applications this broadcast may not be required and so the
user has the option to disable or enable this feature. Section 3.1 and Figure 16 show the
configuration of this feature by using the Electronic Assistant tool.
1.2. Control Sources
The different function blocks in the ECU are commanded by a set of Control Sources. This section
lists the different available control sources for these functions and their respective ranges.
Value Meaning
Source Range
Control Not Used
Digital Input
Analog Input
1 - Output 1 Current Feedback (Amp)
2 - Output 2 Current Feedback (Amp)
3 - Power Supply Measured (V)
CAN Receive
Constant Data
Math Functional Block
Programmable Logic Block
Lookup Table
Conditional Logic Block
Set-Reset Latch
Digital Output Feedback
Table 1: Control Sources
1.3. Digital Input Function Blocks
The 1 digital input of the controller have signals going into the controller are interpreted as 0 or 1.
The turn ON-signal (1) is reached at 12V input level while the turn OFF-signal (0) is reached at
0.8V input level. The discrete inputs can be used as control sources for digital outputs, as well as
other logic blocks.
The Digital Input also can read either a Frequency/RPM or Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) input.
For active inputs, a 10kΩ pull-up or pull-down resistor could also be connected at the input to
handle open-collector NPN (active low, pull-up) or PNP (active high, pull-down) signals.
The sub sections below explain in more detail the functionality and available setpoints/parameters
of the discrete inputs.
1.3.1. Digital Input Functionality
The Active High/Low parameter allows the user to select how the controller responds to the
behaviour of the digital input. Table 2 shows the different Active High/Low options with the default
being highlighted.