Version 2.0.3 Preliminary Documentation – May be Subject to Change 26-36
J1939 Diagnostics
Name Range
False or True
When this setpoint is FALSE, the controller ignores
the other Diagnostic setpoints. When this setpoint is
TRUE, the controller uses the other Diagnostic
setpoints as described below.
(for Diagnostics)
0 to 65535
This setpoint is used as part of the DTC when a
fault is detected. There is no limit on the value of
the SPN (the user must not use the same SPN for
multiple channels since this would be in violation of
the J1939 Standard)
The user must enter the SPN that matches the
PGN. The default value for this setpoint is zero,
which is not allowed by the standard, and thus no
DM will be sent, even if “Generate Diagnostic
Messages” is true.
It is the user’s responsibility to select an SPN
that will not violate the J1939 standard.
Lamp Type
0: Protect
1: Amber,
2: Red, Stop
1: Amber
This setpoint allows the user to set the lamp type to
one of three options. (The J1939 Standard has four
types of lamps, but the
Malfunction Indicator Lamp
does not apply to this controller) The
Protect Lamp
Amber Warning Lamp
, and the
Red Stop Lamp
are options, If the Red Stop Lamp is used, DTC will
only be made Previously Active when the controller
receives a DM11.
It is the user’s responsibility to select a lamp
type that will not cause problems on the
Delay Before
Sending DM1
0ms to 60000ms
This setpoint allows the user to implement a delay
before the DM1 reflects a fault that has been
detected on an input channel. When set to zero, a
DM1 will be sent immediately if a fault is detected.
NOTE: Any time the “SPN” or “Lamp Type” setpoint is changed any data
associated with that channel in the diagnostic log is automatically updated, and
the occurrence counts for any previous DTCs are automatically cleared.