CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check.
DLC: Data Link Controller. [Motorola term, VPW]
HBCC: Hosted Bus Controller Chip. [Ford device, PWM]
KWP: Keyword Protocol 2000 (ISO 14230).
SCC: Serial Communications Controller. [A dual UART device]
SCI: Serial Communications Interface. [Motorola term]
SCP: Standard Corporate Protocol. [Ford Motor Company]
SWC: Single Wire CAN. [J2411]
UBP: UART Based Protocol. [Ford Motor Company unique]
All numbers used in this manual are hexadecimal digits (0 .. 9 and A .. F) and are usually
preceded with a dollar sign ($) for clarity.
2. Connecting & Using
Prior to using the AVT-718 the baud rate of the serial link between it and the host computer must be
properly set. The interface must then be connected to both the subject vehicle and the host
2.1 Setting the Baud Rate
The AVT-718 serial interface (to the host computer) can be configured for one of four baud rates:
19.2 kbaud
38.4 kbaud
57.6 kbaud
115.2 kbaud
The factory default setting for the AVT-718 is 19.2 kbaud.
Regardless of baud rate, all communications between the host computer and the AVT-718 unit is
standard UART serial, in binary format (not ASCII hex), 10 bit frame, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, no
parity, one stop bit.
Hardware handshaking in the form of RTS / CTS signaling is used between the AVT-718 and the
host computer. This method of flow control prevents loss and/or corruption of data in
communications between the AVT-718 and the host computer.
All communications between the AVT-718 and the host computer is in binary bytes
(not ASCII hex digits).
The baud rate is determined by setting two shunts on JP2 on the AVT-718 board.
Refer to Section 6.3.3 for details on setting the shunts and a diagram of JP2.
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