The microcontroller currently runs at a bus speed of 16.777 MHz (which may be increased at a later
time). Firmware revision 3.0 and later increased the microcontroller speed to 20.972 MHz
All operational firmware is contained in a 128 Kbyte FLASH (64 K x 16) device that is socket
mounted on the AVT-718 board.
All firmware on the AVT-718 Multiple Interface was developed by and is supported by Advanced
Vehicle Technologies, Inc.
The AVT-718 supports the ability to upgrade operational firmware in the field, without requiring the
removal/replacement of the FLASH device. Firmware routines exists in the FLASH device to
permit updating the AVT-718 operational firmware from the host computer via the serial data link;
without requiring the removal/replacement of the FLASH device.
Contact the factory if you want to update the firmware on your AVT-718 unit. We can supply,
by e-mail, the firmware file and a program to update the AVT-718 FLASH device. We can provide
a DOS and/or a Win95/98/NT/2000/XP program for the host computer to update the AVT-718
FLASH device.
3.5 RAM
8 Kbytes (8 K x 8) of RAM are provided by an external RAM device.
3.6 FIFO’s
Two high speed hardware FIFO’s are used by the microcontroller as buffers for transmit and receive
data moving between itself and the host computer. Each FIFO is 2 KBytes deep. One is used for
incoming data (from the host) and the other is used for outbound data (to the host).
3.7 SCC
Serial communications with the host computer is provided by one half of the Philips Serial
Communications Controller (SCC) device. The SCC is used to implement the standard serial data
link, including RTS/CTS hardware handshaking.
The host computer serial data link is electrically isolated from the rest of the AVT-718 Multiple
Interface unit. The RS-232 line drivers and receivers are contained in an electrically isolated section
of the AVT-718 board. Signals are coupled through optical isolators and power is supplied by an
isolated DC-DC converter.
3.8 CAN
CAN operations are supported by the Intel 82527 CAN Controller device.
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