A2K-T4-V2.2 27/08/2014 11:19:00
Useful Avolites phone numbers:-
Avolites England
Sales and service* (+44) (0) 20 8965 8522
Service out of hours* (+44) (0) 831 17 8888
(+44) (0) 20 8965 0290
Distribution of Avolites products in USA:-
Avolites America
Sales and service* (+1) 423 938 2057
(+1) 423 938 2059
*Before contacting Avolites for service enquiry please ensure that you have the
product serial number and the Software version (shown at switch on).
The latest version of this manual (MS Word 2000 & PDF) and ART2000
Software can be downloaded from the Internet.
The small print :
No Liability for Consequential Damages
Avolites has a policy of continuous product and documentation improvement. As such the
detail within this manual may not match the operation of the ART2000.
In no event shall Avolites be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or
consequential damages or loss whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of
profits, business interruption, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to
use the ART2000 even if Avolites Ltd. has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for
consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
Reprint and revision history:
First produced March 2000 by Tim Mitchell, Sabre Technology Ltd Tel: 01482 831031
ELDC Option Added November 2000 By J.B.Toby, Avolites Ltd
Updated for OS3 release, ELDC Portion and added tips March 2001 By J.B.Toby, Avolites Ltd
Updated for OS3R1 release, various additions By J.B.Toby, Avolites Ltd
Added heat data JBT 16/05/2013