B asic operat ion
2.5 Display modes
bargraph & value:
During operation, a bar indicates the cur-
rent output level. A numeric display indicates the current peak
bargraph only:
During operation, a bar indicates the current
output level.
value only:
A numeric display shows the current peak power
2.6 Operating modes
permanent (key POWER):
The MA 8.3 / SA 8.3 is always ready
for operation as soon as it is switched on with the mains
switch (8) (standby mode).
The MA 8.3 / SA 8.3 switches on automatically as soon
as an audio signal is detected from the preamplifier. If no sig-
nal is detected for more than about 6 minutes, the power
amplifier switches back to standby mode.
The switch-on signal of a preamplifier with switching
output activates the MA 8.3 / SA 8.3 as soon as the preampli-
fier is activated. If the preamplifier is switched off, the output
stage also goes into standby mode. See also section 1.6 Con-
necting trigger inputs.
If you are using an AVM model of the PA or SD series,
set the operating mode to
. The MA / SA 8.3 switches
on automatically as soon as the corresponding PA or SD com-
ponent with preamp function is switched on. The same
applies to the switch-off process. The digital switching signal