Chapter 2: Hardware Connections
chapter 2
Hardware Connections
This chapter explains the hardware connections required for live recording and playback using FWx,
HDx, and VENUE MADI with Pro Tools. Redundant output connections and the required connec-
tions for integrating a Pro Tools|HD interface are also explained.
FWx Connections
FWx requires a single Firewire connection between VENUE and an available Firewire port on your
computer. When connected, Pro Tools detects FWx, and FWx appears in the Pro Tools Hardware
Setup and I/O Setup dialogs.
Connecting External Hard Drives to FWx
If your Pro Tools computer only has one FireWire port and you are using an external FireWire hard
drive as your record volume, connect a FireWire cable from the FireWire port on your VENUE system
to an available FireWire port on the external drive. Then connect another FireWire cable from a sec-
ond available port on the external drive to the FireWire port on your computer. Your external
FireWire drive must have two FireWire ports. See the
003 Family User Guide
for more information on
using external FireWire drives with Pro Tools.
Figure 1. FWx record and playback configuration and available I/O
FWx assignable inputs
Pro Tools computer
and outputs 1–18
External hard drive