Chapter 2: Hardware Connections
HD Interfaces and HDx Connections
You may want to use a Pro Tools HD interface (HD IO, 192 I/O
, 192 Digital I/O
, 96 I/O
, or
96i I/O
) with your live recording system to allow for remote monitoring or remote audio input
(such as audience mics located at the FOH position). Connect the HD-series audio interface to the last
Pro Tools|HD card in the sequence (the HD card farthest away from the Core card).
A word clock connection between the VENUE system and the audio interface is also required. See
“Synchronizing an HD Interface and HDx” on page 54.
Figure 6. Example HDx configuration integrating an HD audio interface
Audience mics
Remote monitors
HD interface
Mic Pre
HDx 1
HDx 2
Pro Tools computer
VENUE system Word Clock Out (FOH Rack shown)
To HD interface Loop Sync In