Appendix A: Sychronization
appendix a
When connecting your VENUE system to multi-
ple Pro Tools systems or other external digital
devices, you may need to make additional con-
nections to ensure proper synchronization. This
section provides information on the following
• Synchronizing redundant output configu-
• Synchronizing multiple devices using an
external master clock.
• Synchronizing your HD interface and HDx.
• Locking your live Pro Tools recording to ex-
ternal time code.
Synchronizing Redundant
Output Configurations
Using Two Pro Tools Systems
When recording to two independent Pro Tools
systems using redundant outputs, additional
word clock connections are not required. How-
ever, for the FOH Rack, an additional Snake
Card is required for proper clocking. See the
Snake Card
guide for more information.
For the Mix Rack, a clock-source jumper cable
must be installed in the Mix Rack for proper
clocking. See
What’s New in VENUE 2.9
for more
Using Third-Party MADI Devices
When using a third-party MADI device, addi-
tional word clock connections may be required.
To synchronize a VENUE system to an another
MADI device, do either of the following:
• To send word clock from your VENUE sys-
tem to an external MADI device, connect a
coaxial cable from the Word Clock Out
port on your FOH Rack or Mix Rack to the
word clock in port on your external MADI
device. The external MADI device may
need to be set to receive a 48kHz word
clock rate.
– or –
• To send word clock from an external MADI
device to your VENUE system, connect a
coaxial cable from the word clock out of
the external MADI device to the Word
Clock In port on your FOH Rack or Mix
Rack. The external MADI device must be set
to send 48kHz word clock rate to your
VENUE system. The VENUE system auto-
detects external word clock and display
“EXT” in the Mode box on-screen.