Electronic Dartboard 21
All Cricket game lights start on and need to be shot out. No Points style cricket rules are in play
Same rules as standard Cricket except there is no point scoring. The object of this version is to be
the first to simply “close” all the appropriate numbers (15 through 20 and the bullseye). The number
will light up in the beginning of the game. A number is “closed” when the other player(s) hit the
open segment 3 times and the number will light off.
Light FX Pick it Cricket
LIGHT FX PICK IT CRICKET utilizes the no score point format
This game is very similar to standard cricket. Instead of using the traditional segments used in
standard cricket, (15, 16, 17,18,19,20, & Bullseye) players face new and unfamiliar targets
randomly selected by the computer. The game will consist of six random segments and Bullseye.
The computer picked number will light up to guild the player. A number is “closed” when the other
player(s) hit the open segment 3 times and the number will light off. All other rules apply as detailed
in standard Cricket.
Color Shot Lights off / Lights on
The lit targets are on and turn off as you hit them (whites vs. colors))
The lit targets are determined by color of the segment areas on the
Light on version: all lights starting on, player 1 must hit all WHITE segments (Based on the large
single segments) and player 2 must hit all COLORED segments. The colors are determined by the
single segment. The lights will keep track of the targets remaining. To win, player 1 must shoot
out all of the WHITE segments to turn off the lights or player 2 must shoot out all of the COLORED
segments to turn off the lights. The first player who turn off his/her lights is the winner.
Light off version: all lights starting off, player 1 must hit all WHITE segments and player 2 must hit
all COLORED segments. The colors are determined by the single segment. To win, player 1 must
shoot out all of the WHITE segments to turn on the lights or player 2 must shoot out all of the
COLORED segments to turn on the lights. The first player who turn on his/her lights is the winner.
One hit on a segment should close the segment for both versions of color shot.
Light FX Warfare- 2 variations-
Lights on Warfare/ Lights off warfare
In this 2-player game, the dartboard is a battleground divided into two halves. The number 11 and
6 will flash to show the battle line. To shoot the other players battlefield segments, player 1 would
shoot for 14, 9, 12, 5, 20, 1, 18, 4, and 13. Player 2 would shoot for 8, 16, 7, 19, 3, 17, 2, 15, and
10. To win, player 1 needs to shoot on or off the lights for all of his opponents number
(14,9,12,5,20,1,18,4, and 13) or player 2 needs to shoot on or off the lights for all of his opponents
numbers (8, 16, 7, 19, 3, 17, 2, 15, and 10). The first person to do so would win. Segments do not
have to be hit in order.