Copyright (c) Fire4 Systems Inc, 2019. All rights reserved
Settings: OpenDNS
Content filtering is a very useful tool to block a category of websites. This feature is essential for
a school or library service to block adult and violent websites, and conform to the CIPA
requirement. The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) was enacted by Congress in 2000 to
address concerns about children's access to obscene or harmful content over the Internet. In
2001, the FCC issued rules implementing CIPA and provided updates to those rules in 2011.
Authonet firewalls can be used with category blocking services such as OpenDNS, who provide
both free and paid accounts. Any other DNS based category website filtering service can be used,
such as DansGuardian, by entering the DNS service IP's on the Network Settings screen.
Click on Settings, Content filter to open the page shown in the figure below.
Create an account with OpenDNS then provide the username and password for the account.
Check the box to enable content filtering then click the Save Changes button.
Create a free or paid
OpenDNS account
Enter the username
and password and
enable OpenDNS