5. Remote controller’s battery level
Indicates the current remaining percentage of the remote’s battery.
6. Aircraft battery level
Indicates the current remaining percentage of the aircraft battery.
7. Remaining flight time
Indicate the remaining flight time of aircraft based on current battery level.
8. Obstacle avoidance
Indicate whether the obstacle avoidance sensors have been turned on.
9. System setting
1) Safety
- Novice mode: with the novice mode activated, the speed, height, and distance of aircraft will
be limited.
- Home Point: set aircraft’s current location as a home point, or manually define another
position for it to return to.
- Flight restriction: set the maximum flight ceiling, maximum distance, and return height.
- Compass: view the compass condition and recalibrate in the case of compass abnormality.
- IMU: view IMU condition and make calibrations in case of IMU abnormality.
- Battery information: view battery temperature, battery health value, and the number of
discharges. Set low battery alarm, serious low battery alarm threshold, and turn on/off battery
protection mode (discharge every 3 days by default).
- Locate my drone: start the flashing light and beeping mode to find a missing aircraft.
- Advanced setting: turn on/off the vision-based obstacle avoidance system, obstacle detection
radar map, downward vision LED, aircraft LED indicator, and attitude mode takeoff.