11. Shooting setting
Set the shooting parameters.
12. Zoom
Switch the zoom factor.
13. Shooting button
Click the button to trigger the camera or start/stop recording video.
14. Album
Click to enter the album page.
15. Shooting mode
set shooting mode between (single/burst/AEB/timer), resolution, white balance, HDR,
set shooting while recording, video frame rate, resolution, HDR, etc.
Quick shot:
select from five cinematic modes: fade away, rocket, orbit, flick, and rotate.
it is available for taking photo or recording video, setting photo/video resolution
and filter, and automatically adjusting the shooting distance of aircraft, etc.
landscape, portrait, wide-angle, spherical. Based on the selected panorama type, the
aircraft will automatically take several photos and composite them.
provide three time-lapse shooting modes: manual, orbit and rotate. Set shooting
time, shooting quantity, duration of the composited video, maximum flight speed of aircraft,
save original images, etc.
Set one of four shooting modes: automatic, manual, and shutter priority mode.