Revision 1.10
18 - 86
AS3542 3v2
Data Sheet, Strictly Confidential - D e ta i l e d D e s c r i p t i o n - A u d i o F u n c t i o n s
8.2.7 Register
Line Output
8.3.1 General
The line output is designed to provide the audio signal with a typical V
level at a load of minimum 10k
, which is a
minimum value for line inputs. If the limiters (N20/N21) are deactivated the peak output voltage is AVDD17/2 Vp.
This AFE has a combined output stage for headphone and line output with an independent gain regulation for left and
right channel with 32 steps @ 1.5dB each. The gain can be set from -40.5dB to +6dB.
If the line output is not enabled, the volume settings are set to their default values. Changing of volume and mute con-
trol can only be done after enabling the output.
Line Output and Line Input are sharing the same pins.
Figure 5. Line Output
8.3.2 Auto
By setting a new output volume level, the stage does a automatic fading from the current gain setting to the new target.
Changing the input multiplexer from one source to another will be done by fadeing out to mute, source changing and
fading in of the new source to the target volume. Change from HPH-out to LINE-out is done by fading out of HPH-out
to mute and fading in of the LINE-out to the target volume.
The fading speed can be programmed to 3 different speed levels. The immediate response can be selected as 4th
8.3.3 Ground Noise Cancelation
A separate ground input allows to connect a ground sense line direct from the dock connector ground or line out jack
shield to make the audio output independent from PCB ground noise.
Table 9. Microphone Input Related Register
2-wire serial
Right Microphone Input volume settings, AGC control
2-wire serial
Left Microphone Input volume settings, MIC supply control
2-wire serial
Enable/disable driver stage
2-wire serial
Enable/disable mixer input
2-wire serial
Interrupt settings for microphone voice activation
2-wire serial
Interrupt settings for microphone detection
2-wire serial
Interrupt settings for remote button press detection