Assembly Instruction
Spindle Drive PLS
Areas of application and casement sizes:
Mounting of drives up to a casement size
of max. 4m2 (depending on the system)
Top-hung casement and Bottom-hung casement
outward opening
Top-hung casement und Bottom-hung casement
outward opening
Roof window
total weight casement including snow load
PLS15 max. 270 kg
PLS30 max. 550 kg
PLS50 max. 900 kg
Bottom-hung casement
Bottom-hung casement
Bottom-hung casement
Top-hung casement
Top-hung casement
Top-hung casement
= 1200 mm / solo
= 2500 mm / tandem
= 2500 mm
FAB max.
FAH max.
= 1200 mm / solo
= 2500 mm / tandem
= 2500 mm
= 2500 mm
= 1200 mm / solo
= 2500 mm / tandem
FAB max.
FAH max.
FAH max.
FAB max.
Area of Application / Range of Application
These chain drives are used for electromotive opening and
closing of windows in facades and roofs, with a mounting
height (lower edge of moving element) of at least 2.5 me-
ters from the
fl oor. For natural smoke and heat exhaust
(NSHEV/ SHEV) and for natural ventilation.
The main purpose of this product is to help save life
in the event of a fi re and to ensure the supply of fresh
air in the building.
The safety features of this product are crucial for compli-
ance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC as well as
standards EN 12101-2.
The most important requirement is that the window opens
• activation via a control unit (SHEV unit)
- from a fi re alarm Bottom
- from a smoke detector or
- from the fi re alarm system (FAS).
Casement type:
roof window / light dome / bottom-hung, top-hung case-
Made of base materials such as aluminum, plastic or wood.
Opening direction:
inward and outward opening
All specifi ed casement sizes shall be a guide only.
The actual application area depends on the ratio between:
FAB/FAH, total casement weight and opening width. Strictly
adhere to the
of the drives.
For different drive mounting positions on the casement the
following points must be considered:
• Total weight of casement (glass + frame)
• Casement size (FAB x FAH)
• Snow load (based on snow zone / area of use)
• Roof pitch angle (important for snow load calculation)
• Wind force (infl uence of side wind)
• Required cross-section of aperture (geometric or aero-
• Required force and stroke of drive/s
Snow load on roof windows for SHEV-systems
Example calculation
Establish snow loading based on national standards /directives
(in Germany according to DIN 1055-5)
total weight = FG + snow load
total weight = (40 kg + 60 kg) = 100 kg
snow load = 60 kg
(Casement area x
Typical snow load)
Example: FG = 40 kg