Maximum fan output
– the highest fan output possible
[n 40]
Minimum fan output
the lowest fan output possible
[Πh 5]
Ratio of changing the fan rotations
– this parameter influences the fan rotations, if the
adjusted boiler temperature is going to be achieved in a short time. For example, if the value 4 is
set, the fan will work at full output [Π100] (if the function of flue gas temperature control is not
active), up to 4 degrees before achieving the required boiler temperature. Then, by every
increase of the boiler temperature for 1 °C, the fan rotations are gradually decreased until the
minimum fan output is reached [n 40].
[Πr 0]
Automatic regulation of changing the fan rotations
– the fan rotations are increased /
decreased by setting this parameter within the range of 0–10 to ensure the required boiler
temperature. If this parameter is set to „- -“, the rotations are not controlled and the fan works at
full output according to the parameter [Π100]. Setting the parameter within the range of 0–10
relates to the time period (in minutes), during which are the fan rotations gradually increased
from the parameter of the minimum fan rotations [n 40] up to the parameter [r 100]. This
ensures the fluent heat-up of boiler.
[Πn 5]
Frequency of exhaust fan blow-through
– this frequency defines, how often the fan is
started to the full output [Π100] to take the flue gas out from the boiler, if the fan was stopped
due to the boiler temperature achieved.
[Πu 6]
Duration of exhaust fan blow-through
– during this period must the fan exhaust the
flue gas following the parameter [Πn 5].
[r 100]
Fan output by ignition
– this parameter defines the fan output by boiler heat-up. If the
parameter " Πr " is set to [Πr 0], then this parameter is not available.
[rh 5] Hysteresis of boiler stop by ignition
– defines, how many degrees before reaching the
required boiler temperature will be the heat-up phase finished or (if the flue gas temperature
sensor is connected), how many degrees before reaching the required flue gas temperature are
relevant to stop the heat-up phase. After deactivation of the heat-up phase there is a casual
operating mode.
[P 30]
Temperature to start the circuit pump
– if there is not D.H.W. tank in the system [ur 0] or
it is in the mode [ur 2], then the parameter defines the boiler temperature for starting the circuit
pump of the heating system. If the parameter is set to „- -“, then too low temperature does not
influence the operation of the circuit pump. Anyway, the pump is always started, when the
boiler temperature exceeds the parameter [H 85] of the maximum boiler temperature.
If there is accumulation tank in the system (parameter [ur 4]), then this parameter defines the
temperature measured in the accumulation tank by which is the circuit pump of the heating
system started.
[Ph 2]
Hysteresis of circuit pump
– defines the temperature difference under which must the
boiler temperature or temperature in the accumulation tank decrease in comparison with the
temperature defined by the parameter
[P 30]
to stop the circuit pump.