7.4 Updating the Software
1. Power up PAV3 from the front panel.
2. Unscrew USB port cover and install flash drive containing the
updated version software into the USB port.
3. In a few seconds, a menu will pop up. Choose Download.
4. Another pop-up menu will appear prompting for a Password.
Using the keyboard displayed on the screen below, type
111111 and select OK.
5. The next screen that appears will have 3 options.
a. √ Check the box that indicates Download Project Files.
b. Uncheck the boxes:
i. Clear History Files.
ii. Download History Files.
6. Two subdirectories will appear: pccard and usbdisk.
a. Select usbdisk.
b. Select disk_a_1.
c. Select OK.
7. The necessary files will now be downloaded.
8. Select View.
9. At the top of the screen, the current version of software
should be indicated.
10. Select Done.